The Striven Word

Articles tagged with ‘review’

IFComp: Grandma Bethlinda’s Variety Box

Playfulness is one quality of traditional IF that is often difficult to critique or evaluate. Big-headed reviewers often find little use for it, since it is concerned neither with Making a Difference, nor with High Art, nor with abstract Capital Letter Ideals (CLI, because parser). Although many types of digital …


By Paul Lee

Lament of the Lost Moon

The poetry anthology Under Every Moon by G.L. Francis uses the pigments of world folklore and nautical tradition to color a subtle vision of reality, full of spiritual depth and of the fantastic. The poems largely forsake traditional meter and familiar rhyme schemes, and the themes and references can …


By Paul Lee

The Old Tree

Bid the Gods Arise by Robert Mullin takes the basic materials of ancient Judeo-Christian legend and gives them life and coherence in a mythic universe. In doing so, it avoids falling into the Evangelical stereotypes of the same source material, and it is definitely not “biblical fiction.” The myth-creation leaves …